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Manx Shearwater

Puffinus puffinus

    General Description

    First records at Westport and Ocean Shores (Grays Harbor County), September'October of 1990 and 1992. Increasingly reported since then from March to October, mostly well offshore in Pacific Ocean but also near outer coastline, in Strait of Juan de Fuca, and even in Puget Sound.

    Abundance Code DefinitionsAbundance

    C=Common; F=Fairly Common; U=Uncommon; R=Rare; I=Irregular
    Oceanic RRRRRRR
    Pacific Northwest Coast RRRRRRR
    Puget Trough
    North Cascades
    West Cascades
    East Cascades
    Canadian Rockies
    Blue Mountains
    Columbia Plateau

    North American Range Map

    North America map legend